XposeALI ®

XposeALI ®3D cell exposure module combines aerosol capability with 3D cell models cultured at an Air Liquid Interface (ALI). It enables studies of cellular effects induced by airborne particles.

XposeALI®Technical Specifications

XposeALI® in combination with PreciseInhale® enables aerosol exposure of lung cells with respirable aerosols, generated from dry powder. In the ALI setup cells are exposed to air at the ”luminal” side and media at the ”vascular” side, mimicking the conditions in the lung.

XposeALI® – Advantages

Short exposure times

  • XposeALI® can deliver concentrated aerosol

Cell surface specific aerosol deposition material

  • The exposure hood restricts the area avalible for exposure avoiding deposition on the insert walls
  • Particle deposition only on the cell surface

Even distribution of particles on the cell surface

  • Because of the lateral to central flow over the whole cell surface

Easy mass reconciliation

  • Cell exposures enclosed by filters for safety and easy mass reconciliation of aerosol generated


Key benefits and features:

  • Enables studies of cellular effects induced by airborne particles
  • Cell exposure at an Air-Liquid Interface, simulating the lung environment